Explore a vast array of Labour Market Information through this menu, featuring data derived from millions of Online Job Adverts (OJAs).


These ads are sourced from diverse outlets such as private job portals, public employment service portals, recruitment agencies, online newspapers, and corporate websites.


This comprehensive collection is the result of collaborative efforts by Cedefop and Eurostat, shedding light on job and skill demands across 28 European countries.

Navigate through user-friendly dashboards to access information to find out about Demand for Occupation, Sectors and Occupations, Sector Trends and Regional Trends.

Uncover valuable insights into the current job market and the skills sought by employers in your  region.

Demand for occupations

This dashboard shows differences in demand for occupations across countries.

Sectors and occupations

This dashboard shows demand for occupations (ISCO 2-digit) across sectors.

Sectors and skills

This dashboard shows what skills are requested across sectors and countries.

Regions and occupations

This dashboard shows the difference in demand for occupations across regions.

Skills in countries

This dashboard shows the importance of a skill group(s) in different countries.

Regions and skills

This dashboard shows which skills are in most demand in a selected region(s).